April 16, 2011


I've been SUCH a blogging slacker - both here and over at my other blog. I like to blame it on the business...more likely it could be blamed on my new addiction to Pinterest. And I do mean addiction!

It's an awesome site that allows you to pin all of those creative ideas that you see on the interwebs into various categories in your very own Pinterest account - making them easily accessible for future reference. Gone are the days of wondering where you saw that awesome recipe and an endless list of book marked pages! The other awesome thing is that you can see other people's pins and boards...and repin them if you like them. It's total overload of inspiration....but I LOVE it! I've even caught David pinning things in my account -- and I think it's safe to say he "loves" it too : )

So, join me over at Pinterest* and get addicted started now!

(taken with my phone)

*You have to request an account - which can actually take a couple of weeks. I have "invitations" that I can send you if you're interested.

1 comment:


oh how i love pinterest too!!!

im hope4ou on pinterest.